The Correct Way to Add a Monogram


There are so many ways to make a gift personal to whom you are giving it to, but there is no better way then monograming the gift itself. One thing to remember when monograming a gift is that in many cases it can’t be returned, so you want to make sure that you know the correct way to add a monogram. This is especially important for people who have complex last names or women who have kept their maiden names. There are so many different ways to monogram someone’s name and so many different things you are able to monogram! Everything from a wedding bouquet charm for your bridesmaids to a vase for your mom! Monograming things can be difficult though so we have come up with a few ways to monogram names under different scenarios!

 Single Man or Women:

For this example, we are going to use the name Alex Glen Jones. There are three common ways to monogram this name:

  1. First Initial, Last Initial, Middle initial : AJG
  2. Last Initial : J
  3. First initial, Last initial (larger font), Middle initial : AJG

 Complex Last Names:

Some last names can get tricky. When it comes to last names like O’_____, or Mc_____ monogramming becomes slightly more challenging. We are going to use the name Nancy Lynn O’Conner:

1.First initial, Last initial, Middle initial : NOL

2.Last Initials : OC

3.First initial, Last initial (larger), Middle initial : NOL

 Married Individuals:

If you are giving a gift the both the groom and the bride and she is taking her husband’s last name, then you would follow these rules for the names Alex Glen Jones and Nancy Lynn Jones:

  1. Her First, Shared middle, His first : NJA
  2. Last : J
  3. Her First, Shared last (larger), His first : NJA

Now if you were to give a gift to a just the bride or just the groom you would use their new married last name. If the bride decides to keep her maiden name be sure to use the correct initials, but when giving a gift to the couple you can use their married last name. If a bride decides to keep her maiden you would then refer back to the monogram rules of a single women as if she wasn’t married. Some brides will choose to hyphenate their last name so they can keep their maiden name but also have the last name of her husband. This is where it gets tricky and you need to make sure you have the correct monogram. Here are the rules for hyphenated last names such as Nancy Lynn Smith-Jones.

  1. You can choose to use both initials of the last name and make it a four letter monogram: NSJL
  2. If a four letter monogram just seems too much for you then you can always opt to just use the initials of both their last names and make it a two letter monogram: SJ
One great gift that you can get them is a monogramed wedding cake topper! Monogramming can be a tricky thing but when done right it can be such a special and thoughtful gift for so many different occasions!





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